On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, Michael Kleinberg from DNV GL, shared details of the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E NODES project and how TREIA members can participate. Kleinberg explains the project as, "As the test platform becomes operational in Q3 2016, new opportunities for testing the performance and integration of various DER devices will be available. TREIA members who are involved with creating, developing, integrating, or operating DER are encouraged to consider how the platform might be used to support development efforts or obtain third-party verification of performance and capability claims. Further, within the scope of this effort, multiple grid scenarios will be developed under which DER optimization and controls can be investigated. These scenarios will account for market level / RTO conditions, distribution utility feeder conditions, as well as customer load, PV, and tariff data. If TREIA members have specific data sets which they are looking to analyze for the purposes of DER integration, custom0 analyses can be performed and developed into testing scenarios. Finally, TRIEA reserves a spot on the industry advisory board for the project. This will give TRIEA insights into project progress as well as a voice in helping shape future direction."
If interested, Michael Klienberg can be reached at Michael.Kleinberg@dnvgl.com
Slides for the talk are available here
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