Proud Co-Organizers
Investor Mission to Quito, Ecuador
In preparation for the Renewable Energy Tender
Wednesday August 28, 2019
Meeting location: Ministerio de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables
Sheraton Hotel Accommodations
Recently, Ecuador launched its first renewable energy auction on July 30th, 2019, seeking investors for an initial 310 megawatts of wind and solar projects.
On Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, there will be an all-day meeting in Quito, Ecuador, held at the energy ministry where details of the assets, the auction’s structure and risks will be addressed. The event is targeted to developers and investors interested in learning first-hand about details of the auction to help decide interest in participating; it will also include the presence of a number of financial institutions active in Ecuador to discuss lending requirements. Registration to this event will give you access to the August 28 meetings and the ability to meet government, off-taker, regulator as well as fellow investors and lenders.
9:00 Mission arrives at Ministry from nearby Sheraton Hotel to be received by Verónica Giler, Director of International Affairs, Ministry
9:30 Welcome from Carlos Pérez, Ministro de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables
9:45 Presentation on Ecuador’s Energy situation followed by Q&A
Presenter: Marco Valencia, Subsecretario de Generación y Transmisión de la Energía Eléctrica
10:15 Presentation on the structure of the tender and assets being offered
Presenter: Jose Antonio Cepeda, Advisor to the Minister
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Presentation by offtaker Corporación Eléctrica de Ecuador (CELEC) followed by Q&A
Presenter: Senior CELEC official, TBD
12:15 Presentation on Ecuador’s regulatory framework ARCONEL followed by Q&A
Presenter: Senior Arconel official, TBD
12:45 Presentation by LAC-CORE/Equitable Origin on non-technical risks in Ecuador
Presenter: Victoria Freyssinier, Equitable Origin
1:15 End of formal presentations with government. Walk to restaurant for lunch.
3:00 Depart for visit to National Distribution Control Center
4:30 Return to Sheraton Hotel
6:00 Private room meeting at Sheraton with bankers and financiers to discuss tender structure
Presentation coordinated by Carlos St. James
8:00 Departure to restaurant with government officials in attendance.
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