GridNEXT 2022 Keynote Speaker


Founding CTO
Syzygy Plasmonics

Dr. Khatiwada is the founding CTO of Syzygy Plasmonics. He brings a wealth of experience in early-stage entrepreneurship, R&D, nanotechnology, intellectual property, and university relations. After moving from Nepal and receiving a B.S. in Physics from Morgan State University, he went on to receive his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Rice University in 2014. While at Rice, he co-founded Big Delta Systems to commercialize spray paintable battery technology, where he gained crucial knowledge on forming and launching a technology company.

Dr. Khatiwada worked for Baker Hughes, an oilfield services company, as a Materials Research Scientist where he has invented multiple materials systems and gained expertise in R&D product development and intellectual property. Dr. Khatiwada has 8 US patents granted. He was selected as 1 of 85 career brightest engineers by the National Academies of Engineering's US Frontiers of Engineering program for the 2020 cohort.

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