GridNEXT 2016
Webinar Series:
DNV GL: Enabling the Internet of Energy through Network Optimized Distributed Energy Resources
June 28, 2016 @ 1 pm CT
Michael Kleinberg, PhD, is a Senior Consultant in the Distributed Energy Resources group at DNV GL. His work focuses on energy storage and smart grid analytics, procurement, and testing. Michael has assisted California utilities developing and assessing their recent energy storage request for offers (RFOs) and has led development of DNV GL’s energy storage cost-effectiveness model, ES-Grid. In 2013, Michael led DNV GL’s efforts for the CPUC to assess the cost-effectiveness of distribution connected energy storage in support of the CA AB2514. He has led multiple technical due diligence efforts to support investments in both large-scale and distributed energy storage projects being developed across the US. Michael has experience with laboratory and field testing of energy storage systems including performance and abuse testing. Michael received his M.S and PhD. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University in 2007 and 2015, respectively.
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