GridNEXT 2016
Webinar Series:
In2lytics: Hawaii-A Case Study for Grid Data Analytics for Renewables
Integration and Grid Optimization
September 13, 2016 @ 1 pm CT
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Drew Bond is an entrepreneur with a particular expertise in energy and technology startups. Prior to in2lytics, he led the successful spinout and startup of two technology companies. In 2015, he led the spinout of Versa, a distributed renewable energy and chemicals company from Battelle, the world’s largest independent R&D organization. In 2005, he led the successful spinout of an internet media company from a large Washington, DC based nonprofit. He has served in senior positions at the U.S. Department of Energy, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, and on Capitol Hill. For a decade, Mr. Bond has worked closely with the National Laboratories and continues to serve on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Industry Advisory Board. A native Texan from Oklahoma, he is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a BA in History. He and his wife live in the Washington, DC area with their four children where they are active in their church and community, with a particular focus on helping to care for abused and neglected children.