GridNEXT 2020 Speaker

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Sandip Sharma
Director of Market Operations (Forward Markets)

Sandip Sharma is Director of Market Operations (Forward Markets) and leads the Energy Storage initiative at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the independent system operator for the power grid that serves 90% of Texas customers.

His team oversees the Day Ahead Market, Congestion Revenue Rights and Demand Integration. Sandip has been with ERCOT since 2006. His past areas of focus include reliable and efficient integration of renewable resources, renewable forecasting, redesigning the ISO’s Ancillary Services markets to adapt to the evolving generation mix, evaluating frequency response, and operational readiness.

Sandip received his M.S.E.E in Electrical Engineering specializing in Power Systems from University of Texas at Arlington in 2006, and his MBA from the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University in 2017.

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